Breaking the finish line off Point-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe at 00hrs 58mins 38secs today (Friday, CET/Paris) (Thursday 23hrs 58mins 38secs GMT/ Thursday 19hrs 58mins 38secs local time (CET -4hrs)) Yann Guichard on the 23.5metres trimaran Gitana 11 took fourth place in the 9th Route du Rhum-La Banque Postale solo Transatlantic race which started from Saint-Malo, France at 1302hrs (CET) Sunday 31st October.
The elapsed time for Gitana 11 is 11 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes, 38 seconds. His average speed is 15.79 kts for the distance he sailed of 4356 miles. Over the theoretical course distance of 3539 miles Yann Guichard’s average speed is 12.83 knots. Guichard finished 2 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes, 51 seconds behind Franck Cammas (Groupama 3) the race winner. Cammas finished 16h 16min 47secs (CET) Tuesday 09th November.