
🏛 » Highfield Sport 760: added comfort

Highfield Sport 760: added comfort

by Philippe Leblond

For the past three years, and with the launch of the first model in the Sport range (the 700), the Australian manufacturer of aluminum-hulled RIBs has been tempering its “adventurer” brand image to attract customers looking for more versatile, even comfort-equipped models. Such is the case with the Sport 760 MĂ©diterranĂ©e, a numbered limited series (15 units) designed for the Voiles de Saint-Tropez, whose name sets the tone with its “farniente” deck layout. The result is an increased number of real seats (9), bathing platforms, a deck shower, a table to set up a saloon between the two facing bench seats, a large solarium at the bow and a dolphin with electric guide. In the center of the cockpit is a two-seater helm station sheltered by a T-top. As with most Highfields, the shipyard offers two types of coated fabric for the floats: PVC, which is economical, or Neoprene/Hypalon, which is more expensive, but both more durable and more aesthetically pleasing.

Length: 7.60 m
Width: 2.88 m
Weight: 980 kg without engine
Max. engine: 300 hp
Number of passengers: 16
Top speed: 43 kts
Price excl. VAT: €74,992 with Suzuki 300 hp

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