
🏛 » Joker Clubman 22 Plus: conquering space

Joker Clubman 22 Plus: conquering space

by Philippe Leblond

Text: Philippe Leblond

Length: 7.01 m
Width: 2.77 m
Weight: 1,200 kg without engine
Max. engine: 250 hp
Number of passengers: 14
Top speed: 44 kts with 250 hp
Price excl. VAT without engine: from €54,800

The Plus version of the Clubman 22, one of the most important models in the Milanese manufacturer’s range, does more than simply give the familiar model a makeover. Its dimensions have been increased by 30 cm in length and 15 cm in width, to the benefit of an increased interior surface area, which enhances the comfort features of this family-oriented model. The cockpit offers two additional real seating positions, thanks to a longer U-shaped rear bench. The bathing platforms are also wider and the two solariums more spacious. Freedom of movement on board is also enhanced, with the side aisles increased by 10 cm, while the two-seater cockpit remains unchanged. This Clubman Plus pushes the conviviality envelope even further with a large aft saloon, created by transforming the sundeck, allowing six guests to sit around the teak table. It’s also a pleasure to drive, with an ergonomic driving position and top-level performance, with 44 knots achieved during a test run with a 250 hp Yamaha (25 to 34 knots when cruising).

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