
🏛 » Xc 47: forward to a new generation

Xc 47: forward to a new generation

by Emmanuel van Deth

Text: Emmanuel van Deth

The Xc range is now firmly established in the high-end cruising sector. The manufacturer with the three waterline stripes has therefore not hesitated to go one step further in adapting its new cruiser to long-distance cruising. The Xc 47 is the first of a new generation of cruisers to feature a deep, fully enclosed cockpit with a wide aft bench seat, manoeuvring back to the helm stations and a semblance of a deck saloon – thanks to a raised deckhouse and level floors. Every detail of the 47 has been studied, including the impact of heeling, using a model. Inside, storage space is omnipresent, with a view to long-distance travel. The construction is faithful to the Danish shipyard’s standards: steel structure and carbon reinforcement. More information at

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